Kubectl config global state workaround2024-09-09Simeon#cli #kubernetes #kubectl #bash #k8s For when you really want to be working in multiple clusters in multiple terminals→
Migrating assets between Flux Kustomizations2023-10-21Simeon#kubernetes #flux #helm #gitops Flux is a great tool, but that doesn’t mean you won’t make design decisions you later regret→
It’s been a while. Here’s some Kubernetes storage chat (1/?)2023-04-11Simeon#hosting #kubernetes #storage #databases #postgres Also I have a love/hate relationship with databases, so if databases on Kubernetes are your trigger point maybe skip this post→
Week 2 Close-out2022-11-26Simeon#kubernetes #hosting #storage Rollup of this week in action:hosting updates;data loss;that’s it mostly→